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Secret To Losing Weight Permanently

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  1. Recruit A Good Support System
    While getting healthy may be something you're doing on your own, it's a big help to have a support system. At the very least, get family members to understand what you're doing and are either willing to participate or help. If you have a spouse who wants to continue eating the kinds of foods that tempt you, you need a plan to deal with that so you can still reach your goals and keep your relationship together.

    Try to surround yourself with people who support what you're doing and avoid those people (like that co-worker who always offers you a donut even though you refuse on a daily basis) who don't. A workout buddy is also an excellent idea for support.

  2. It's Not Only What You're Eating But Also What's Eating You
    If you have other reasons for being overweight - past hurts that you've used food to deal with, depression or other problems, it's hard to lose weight. For many of us, food is a comfort and something we've relied on all of our lives to help us deal with emotional problems. If that's the case for you, pinpointing those behaviors and what drives them is important for becoming aware of what you're doing and why. A counselor can help or you can take some time to educate yourself about emotional eating. Be willing to learn why you make the choices you make and to confront them.

  3. Set Realistic Goals
    If you've set impossible goals, you are guaranteed to fail. Weight loss becomes hard to achieve if you feel like a constant failure. The key is to set reasonable goals. What is reasonable will be different for each person to person depending on genetics, eating habits, exercise, and metabolism to name a few.

    You're better off setting a long-term goal (whether it's to lose weight or compete in a race) and then focusing your attention on daily or weekly goals. Your weekly goal might be to get in 3 cardio workouts, minimum. Pick things you know you'll achieve so you're always successful. It can be as small as you like, as long as it's reachable.

  4. Be Flexible
    You hear a lot about lifestyle changes, but it's daily choices that really test you. What happens if you have to work late and you can't get to the gym? Or what if you get stuck in traffic and miss your fitness class? Any number of things can happen in a day that may throw you off track. The trick is to be flexible. It helps if you're always prepared - keep some workout shoes in the car so you can stop off at the park for a quick walk. Keep some food handy so if you get stuck in traffic, you get a snack in before your workout. Often people skip workouts because something comes up and they simply aren't ready for it or they aren't willing to give themselves other options. Can't do 45 minutes? Why not just do 10? Something is always better than nothing.

  5. Be Prepared To Accept The Good With The Bad
    You will not be perfect every day; everyone has good days and bad days. On the good days, you'll eat all your fruits and veggies, say no to that pizza and do your workout even though you're tired. On the bad days, you'll wake up late, forget to bring your lunch, have an extra piece of cake at your friend's birthday party and skip your workout. The bad days will happen if you're a human being. Never give up, even when you mess up. You're not a loser just because you make some mistakes; you're simply a person trying his or her best to make good decisions.


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